Sixth generation of 3DMark benchmark programs from Future mark was discharged on Jan eighteen 2006, sanctionative gamers from all round the world to check their computer configurations that utilised DirectX nine GPU cards. Tests that were utilized in it stay widespread even nowadays, with most famed addition being the implementations of HRD rendering, water rendering depth fog, shadow mapping, material rendering, region effects and a lot of. processor tests were additionally evolved, sanctionative for the primary time multicore process.
While all previous versions of the 3DMark benchmarks stay nowadays part supported as a result of they ne'er received improvement for contemporary Windows software system, 3DMark06 remains in active use even nowadays thanks to its unbelievable concentrate on extracting the last proportion of performance from DX9-level hardware (its successor 3DMark Vantage that was discharged a pair of years later was centered on DirectX ten and had base of Windows visual percept as its minimum requirement).
File size: 584.85MB
Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Date added: February 11, 2013
Author: www.futuremark.com
DOWNLOAD - 3DMark06 1.2.1 Download
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